Wednesday, 6 November 2013

GC: Digipak inital ideas

  • In regards to the 6 sided template for the digipak, we have decided that the digipak will focus around the strangers concept. The group wants to promote band image on top of the half and half resemblance of strangers. For this reason, we have come to the decision to include the seven lions logo on the side where the CD goes, as not only does this help to construct band image but it fits well with the circular shape of the CD. We have decided to promote the digipak as a single rather than an album as this will allow us to focus on the strangers concept of the singular song as opposed to having to create a whole album image and therefore stray from the strangers aspect.
  • For the overall look and feel of the digipak we have taken inspiration from the actual cover of the single (right) - with light, glowing/wispy sort of effects. We aim to create a weightless, magical look whilst maintaining the half and half concept that our video is based on as not only does this link to the video, it also links to helping maintain artist image further. Another concept we took from this single cover is the use of stars - we feel this is a theme that could be carried on into our own design as it makes a visually pleasing backdrop but also keeps in tune with the magical/wispy theme.
  • So far as actual images go, we took a few pictures during our first filming session in Brighton that are usable to incorporate into one or two of the panels. We still need some more but we plan to capture some more during other filming sessions or take stills from the footage if we don't take a picture we find suitable. Both of these images we feel we can use but feel they will need heavy editing to go for the magical, wispy look we are aiming for. We were thinking to maybe edit some stars into the sky of the photo of the beach, and cut out the graffiti from the picture on the left to use on the cover somewhere.
  • We could not find the exact Seven Lions font shown on the Strangers digipak above, but we have been able to find a similar font called Eagle Book. This font contains similar N's to the one's found in the Seven Lions font, but the S's don't look the same. With some editing and resizing we believe we can make an accurate replica of the Seven Lions font to include on our digipak. In the image below, the original seven lions font is on top whilst Eagle Book font is shown underneath.


  • So, for the template its self we have roughly decided the following:
    • Inside Centre: Seven lions logo
    • Inside Left: Graffiti picture with chav character
    • Inside Right: More posh area of Brighton with rich character
    • Extra Panel: Beach sunset picture with stars edited in
    • Back cover: Paragraph about the artist (possible picture of Rochelle the performance actor, edited to look similar to that of the girl on the original Strangers single cover)
    • Front cover: Half and half picture of Brighton or 50/50 page split including characters inspired by Sliding doors, (see rough draft to right)

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