Monday, 14 October 2013

Group: Pitch Feedback

  • The feedback indicated that our performance part might nort match the actual vocals on the track. The main concern was that the girl might not look like she owns the voice so to speak. So to solve this we need to get some practise shots of the girl lip syncing. We plan to do this in the near fututre in southborough just in school uniform or something.
  • Another problem was that the actual acts performed by each character might not be enough to fill up the whole track. We have thought of some more acts to convey through the video. This was our initial problem before but we decided to combat this by using lots of filler shots just like the Danny Byrd video from last year. Also the narrative will fill this up nicely.
  • The other main focus was that we weren't sure about the ending of the track. We had a final shot decided on which tied in to the opening one but the rest of the class was not convinced about the rest of the ending. We had this in our minds but we need to find a way to convey this clearer to our audience.
  • Overall we did get a green light although some aspects of our narrative were not clear to other class members. Our advertizing/digipak campaign was one of our stronger points though as the idea is simple and not only ties in with the title of the song but with the lyrics too.

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